I love crayons

Karen and I broke out the crayons on Sunday night and got to work with some of those Miss Lynn coloring pages! Below are the fruit of our labors.

When you have your own go at them (click HERE to go print them out!), don't forget to send me pictures (or scans) to misslynnsings [AT] gmail [DOT] com, so I can share them with the world right here!

I did this last one at home later on.

Do you like very good words?

Newly added: "Good Word of the Day," there in the upper left corner. I'm going to try to change it daily, assuming I remember to do so . . .

Have a good word you'd like to suggest? E-mail it to me at misslynnsings [AT] gmail [DOT] com, and be sure to include your name and city so I can give you credit!