Break out those sunglasses . . .

You might need to protect your eyes from blinding glamor in the following images!

Miss Lynn presents: Life in the Studio

I said something this morning along the lines of, "This place is magical." And I was only partly kidding . . . but you can't necessarily tell that just by looking. Although there is a framed album cover of "Sgt. Pepper" on the wall! And TWO big computer screens.

The rest of the magic happens across the hall . . . in what used to be a bathroom. The upturned mattress serves to absorb sound and prevent echo. The flowers don't serve any acoustic purpose, as far as I know (but I'm still learning.)

This is what I see while I'm singing. The big round thing is a pop filter. That's to keeP my "P's" from exPloding PeoPle's iPods.

Dave, hard at work. The different squiggly areas on the left monitor are the guitar and vocal tracks (yellow=guitar; red=lead vocal). Today we recorded a bunch of background vocals (aka BGV's), which are in blue!

Much more work to come next week, and I am very excited! Check back for updates as things progress on the untitled Miss Lynn music project.

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