Upcoming Miss Lynn programs

Jonesing to sing along with Miss Lynn in person? Avail yourself of these opportunities (and don't forget, doughnuts are always appreciated.)

Tuesday, September 30, 10 a.m. - Edmondson Pike Library, Nashville, TN

E-mail Miss Lynn at misslynnsings [AT] gmail [DOT] com to schedule a program with her!

And sign up for the Miss Lynn mailing list (that blue box over to the left) to find out when Miss Lynn will be rocking more faces off!

Snow? NO!!!

I'm supposed to be having a music program at the Edmondson Pike Library tomorrow, but the National Weather Service has us under a Winter Storm Warning from 6 pm this evening until noon tomorrow. Which includes the 10:30-11:30 time frame of the program.


Oh, well--as I was saying to Ann Marie and Ayden about an hour ago--the weather is just one on the long list of things I do not control.

(Mostly, this is just a test post for the Miss Lynn website. How does it look?)