A Real-Life Hero: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Hooray for science!  And hooray for NdT, who has been an outspoken and innovative advocate for science education.  His leadership in this area and the myriad ways he has encouraged kids and adults to develop curiosity about our world and universe would be more than enough to make him a hero, but he is heroic in even more ways.

Read this story on Upworthy about a girl's question to him about dyslexic scientists

Thanks, Dr. deGrasse Tyson, for helping so many people to see the astonishing beauty and diversity in our universe, including we human beings who are part of it!

Read more about Neil deGrasse Tyson on Wikipedia

(Have a real-life hero or she-ro to nominate for this blog? Let me know at misslynn [at] misslynn [dot] com!)

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